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Optional additionalConfiguration

additionalConfiguration: AdditionalConfigurationInterface

Similar to TYPO3's additional configuration, you can use this callback to change the configuration object based on the environment if you need to.

Optional api

Options for the json api endpoint we should consume

Optional contentElementDefinitionAttribute

contentElementDefinitionAttribute: string

Defines the name of the data attribute that contains the content element definition as a json string. By default the data attribute matches the contentElementSelector and is set to: data-typo-frontend-api-content-element

Optional contentElementSelector

contentElementSelector: string

Defines the selector to find content elements on the html page. This replaces the mountpoint configuration on spa apps. By default the selector is set to: div[data-typo-frontend-api-content-element].

Optional environment

environment: AppEnvironmentType

Determines the type of environment the page runs in. This will be set by the NODE_ENV environment variable by default. If there is no NODE_ENV and this option is not set the framework will fall back to "production"

Optional errorHandling

Configuration for the error handling in your application

Optional events

events: PlainObject<AppEventListener>

A list of event names and their matching listeners that should be registered when the frameworks creates the event emitter instance

Optional globalDataWindowVar

globalDataWindowVar: string

In hybrid mode the app tries to load global data from a window var "FRONTEND_API_DATA" by default. If you want to change the name of the variable you may change the name using this option.

Optional initialStore

initialStore: Function

Can be used to provide the initial value of the "Store"s content. This should be a function that returns an object literal

Optional vue

Options for the vue framework itself

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